Breast Cancer and Breast Exams

Breast Cancer and Breast Exams

Breast cancer is a form of cancer that originates in the breasts and typically, you may feel a lump somewhere in the breast. Breast cancer is treatable, especially if it is detected at an early stage. It’s important that you regularly check your own breasts for lumps and talk to your doctor about screening for breast cancer. If you have a family history of breast cancer, you may need to get screened earlier than most.

Understanding Breast Cancer

While breast cancer typically happens in women over 50, it can occur at any age and to anyone. There are some risk factors that may put you at a higher risk for dealing with breast cancer. This could include having a family history of breast cancer or having dense breasts. You should talk to your OBGYN about what your risks might be and if it is necessary to get screened sooner, rather than later.

When it’s time to get screened for breast cancer, your OBGYN will walk you through the process. Women between the ages of 50-74 will need a screening every two years to check for any signs of breast cancer. Before the age of 50, you may want to discuss getting a screening with your doctor to see if it’s something you would want to start earlier.

To screen for breast cancer, you’ll need a mammogram. This is an x-ray of the breast and is the best way to detect breast cancer as early as possible. The sooner breast cancer is detected, the easier it typically is to treat. Your breast will be placed in a special X-ray machine and flattened so that your doctor is able to spot any irregularities that may be present.

Contact Our OBGYN Today

Make sure that you understand when it’s time for a breast cancer exam. Contact our OBGYN to learn more about breast cancer and if you’re due for a mammogram.

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